
In today’s world of constant change, challenge and uncertainty, we need leadership more than ever. Voices that have been on the sidelines need to be put in the center.

We need a new kind of leadership, YOUR leadership.

I offer customized workshops, leadership programs and retreats for women leaders at various stages in their career journey, that start with exploring who you are at your center, help you to build a vision for a more ideal future, and provide the skills, energy and supportive relationships to bridge the gap.

My program design process is exploratory, collaborative, and iterative with learning experiences customized to the level of individuals, amount of time available for training, and specific organizational culture, values and business needs.

Topics include:

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Adaptive Leadership

  • Values

  • Exploring your purpose & visioning the future

  • Professional development planning

  • Win-win negotiation strategies

  • Communicating with confidence

  • Developing a coaching culture

  • Work-life balance

  • Motivating & engaging talent

  • Dealing with difficult situations

  • Priorities, goal-setting & alignment

  • Leading organizational culture

Workshops and programs can incorporate 360° or self-assessment instruments to enhance self-awareness and identify areas for growth, as well as facilitated peer coaching to share knowledge and build supportive relationships. Engagements are action-oriented, ensuring you leave with a blueprint to move towards your purpose and vision for your work and life.