What kind of coach are you?

I call myself a ‘PersonaI Development Coach’ because the work we do together is about you — ALL of you. Together we will discover who you are and who you want to be, alongside what you do and what you want to do in your life.

We will work on the goals you bring to coaching, and new ones that emerge through the coaching process holistically. You are so much more than any ‘problems’ or ‘issues’ you may be experiencing. My clients see growth in all areas of their life throughout our coaching and I will meet you where you are at any given point.

In terms of credentials, I’m a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) and follow the ethical guidelines established by the International Coach Federation (ICF).

Do I have to be in a certain place in my career to get coaching?

Coaching is for anyone at any point in their life or career.

Typically, my clients are mid-career, senior level or executive professional women who want more from their work and life. Some want to resolve specific people or strategic issues they face at work, others want to grow their personal leadership impact, some are looking towards a new horizon personally or professionally.

My clients are curious about who they are at their core, want to make new choices in service of how they show up in the world and care deeply about creating a positive impact on the people they lead and the people they serve.

How is coaching different to therapy?

Although coaching shares some similarities with therapy and can be therapeutic, there are important distinctions between the two approaches.

Coaching is oriented towards supporting people in their personal and professional development, while therapy is rooted in mental health support.

People need different kinds of support at different moments in their lives and I find that coaching and therapy can work nicely together when that is what the client needs.

As a CPCC who is committed to the professional ethics of coaching, and holding a designation as a trauma-informed coach, I understand when it may be in a client’s best interest to refer the client (or specific topic that has emerged in coaching) to therapy.

What do I need to do to prepare for coaching?

If you are reading this, a lot of the hard work is done already!

The fact that you are curious about coaching tells me that a voice within you has started agitating for something in your life to change. I’d love to help you get in touch with that voice and have easier access to your inner resources.

Once we agree to work together, I have a structured process that begins with self-reflection and goal-setting.

We also recognize that your goals for coaching can change as “life gives you feedback” along the way. As your coach, I will support you from start to finish to make sure that our work together serves who you are, who you are becoming and what you want to achieve.

I’m nervous about getting personal. What kinds of things will we talk about.

What could be more personal than YOUR life?

You want coaching because something inside is telling you that there is more out there for you, that you are capable of being more. There are areas in your life and at work that you want to see change.

For deep learning and change to happen, our coaching will dig into many interconnected aspects of your life.

Fundamentally, coaching is a learning process and all learning involves emotion. As a certified Emotional Intelligence practitioner and trauma-informed coach, I am comfortable with the whole range of emotions that come with being a human.

As a coach, my goal is to create a safe space for whatever shows up. That said, as the client, you are in the driver’s seat and get to choose where to go.

Do you work with clients virtually?

Absolutely! I work with clients all over the world. I am based in the US Eastern time zone but, when we get started we work together to design the timing and session frequency that works for you.

For private coaching, I offer the choice of video or voice, or some combination. I typically use Zoom but can work with Teams, WhatsApp, Google Meet or whatever platform works with your system and bandwidth.

How do we get started?

I always start with a complementary alignment call to se if we are a fit in terms of chemistry, connection and your goals for coaching. In the brief call, I ask you questions to understand where you are coming into this potential work together and what you would like to achieve.

These calls are confidential and provide a space for you to ask questions and for us to get to know each other.

Schedule a complimentary alignment call by accessing my calendar or filling out a form. I’d love to connect and answer any questions you may have about me or coaching.

What is co-active coaching?

Co-Active is a coaching model that helps people achieve their goals by addressing their whole life and integrating various aspects of their life. As coach and client, we work in partnership to maximize your personal and professional potential.

The coaching relationship is a confidential, safe partnership. Together, we will explore all aspects of your life, looking at who you are and what you want. We will set personal and professional goals, explore obstacles from new perspectives, and co-design strategies that allow you to move forward with clarity, taking active steps to live the life you want.

I trained at CTI, the largest coach training and leadership training organization in the world. I have experienced the transformative impact of the co-active coaching model myself and witnessed the impact it has on my clients.

What results will I get from coaching?

People come to coaching for many different reasons and with a variety of areas in which they would like to experience growth or see change.

Anything is possible when we add the right ingredients - honest self-reflection, curiosity about new possibilities, commitment to explore, experiment and let go of beliefs or habits that are no longer serving. Because coaching is a partnership, you will get the results you want when you fully commit to the process. As your coach, I will be there to listen, ask tough questions, offer new perspectives, reflect back what I’m seeing in you and champion you all the way through.

One of the most important results from coaching is bringing new levels of awareness and understanding to yourself. This will impact your ability to achieve your goals today and expand your capacity for growth well into the future.

Can a coach help me change careers or induStries?

One of the common reasons that people look for a coach is to consider making a career change.

I have worked with many clients who are in a process of career exploration. Sometimes this looks like working towards a promotion, other times, it is an external job search and, for some clients, there is an open-ended exploration of totally new fields of work or ways of earning a living.

Some clients, following a process of exploration, make the choice to stay in their current role or organization. For them, viewing this as well-informed and empowered choice is success.

I have worked with clients to land a new job at a company that feels like a better cultural fit or offers more growth potential. I have also supported clients to start their own business. The possibilities are endless!

How do I know if I need coaching?

Anyone who wants to learn about themself and has areas in their life in which they would like growth or change can benefit from coaching.

In my many years as a coach, I have also noticed some moments that tend to get people curious about coaching.

These include:

- Feeling stuck, dissatisfied or burnt-out at work, either in a particular role, organization or field

- Facing a big, sticky problem, either with stakeholders, strategy or project(s)

- Starting a new job or stepping into a new management or leadership role

- Hitting that ‘mid-career slump’ - you’ve had success and are wondering, is this really it?

- Ready to start or accelerate a job search and looking for new perspectives, support and accountability

- Thinking about the next phase of your professional and personal life, for example post-retirement (whatever that looks like for you)

- Starting a new business, as a fulltime entrepreneur or side hustle

Coaching can support these moments in life and many more.

Are you the right coach for me?

Coaching changed my life and I am a big advocate for everyone experiencing the power of coaching. I also believe that there is a coach out there for everyone and for different moments in life.

I typically work with experienced women professionals. Often my clients can be their own worst critics, put others’ needs ahead of their own and are deeply moved to make a positive impact in their community or the world. I enjoy digging below the surface to reveal what’s really there and what is truly important.

If you are committed to growing your self-awareness and ready to let go of old stories that no longer serve you or your purpose, I’d love to explore whether we are a good fit. Get in touch!